Jenny Cooper Female Barrister

Jenny Cooper KC


Jenny is a commercial litigator with specialist expertise in company and securities law, financial services, competition law, and insolvency.   She is ranked by Chambers and Partners in "Band 1" for Dispute Resolution and is listed in Doyle’s Guide as one of New Zealand's leading insolvency and restructuring barristers. Her practice also encompasses regulatory investigations, fair trading and consumer finance law, contract and tort claims, trusts, and insurance. Jenny primarily accepts instructions as counsel but is also available for appointment as an arbitrator.

Alongside her commercial practice, Jenny was a co-founder and the inaugural President of Lawyers for Climate Action NZ Inc. which brings together lawyers to advocate for action against climate change.  Jenny has previously held a number of other leadership roles in the profession, including being on the Council of the New Zealand Bar Association.


Jenny is a commercial litigator with specialist expertise in company and securities law, financial services, competition law, and insolvency.   She is ranked by Chambers and Partners in "Band 1" for Dispute Resolution and is listed in Doyle’s Guide as one of New Zealand's leading insolvency and restructuring barristers. Her practice also encompasses regulatory investigations, fair trading and consumer finance law, contract and tort claims, trusts, and insurance. Jenny primarily accepts instructions as counsel but is also available for appointment as an arbitrator.

Alongside her commercial practice, Jenny was a co-founder and the inaugural President of Lawyers for Climate Action NZ Inc. which brings together lawyers to advocate for action against climate change.  Jenny has previously held a number of other leadership roles in the profession, including being on the Council of the New Zealand Bar Association.


Jenny is a commercial litigator with specialist expertise in company and securities law, financial services, competition law, and insolvency.   She is ranked by Chambers and Partners in "Band 1" for Dispute Resolution and is listed in Doyle’s Guide as one of New Zealand's leading insolvency and restructuring barristers. Her practice also encompasses regulatory investigations, fair trading and consumer finance law, contract and tort claims, trusts, and insurance. Jenny primarily accepts instructions as counsel but is also available for appointment as an arbitrator.

Alongside her commercial practice, Jenny was a co-founder and the inaugural President of Lawyers for Climate Action NZ Inc. which brings together lawyers to advocate for action against climate change.  Jenny has previously held a number of other leadership roles in the profession, including being on the Council of the New Zealand Bar Association.

Additional information

Case History

Below is a short selection of recent and notable cases.  For more detailed information about my experience in a specific area please contact me.

  • Counsel for one of the defendant banks in an ongoing class action alleging breaches of the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003 (Simons & Ors v ANZ Bank & Anor [2022] NZHC 1836).
  • Counsel for the Financial Markets Authority in an application for asset preservation (freezing) orders and appointment of receivers and managers over a property development group and its ultimate owners (Financial Markets Authority v Du Val Capital Partners Ltd [2024] NZHC 4011).  
  • Counsel for an iwi applicant in an appeal to the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court under the Marine and Coastal Area Act 2011.  This was the first appeal to both the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court under the Act and raised novel issues regarding recognition of customary rights in the marine and coastal area (Whakatōhea Kotahitanga Waka (Edwards) & Ors v Te Kāhui & Ors [2024] NZSC 164)
  • Counsel for the plaintiff in a contractual dispute arising from an investment in a blockchain technology company.  Successfully opposed strike out and summary judgment applications made on the basis of a settlement of separate Singapore proceedings.  Trial heard in late 2024, judgment pending (MB Technology Ltd v Orbis Blockchain Technologies Ltd [2022] NZHC 1257, Ecomi Technology Pte Ltd v MB Technology Ltd [2024] NZCA 47).
  • Counsel for the plaintiff in a successful claim for breach of fiduciary duty against the NZX-listed majority shareholder of an orphan drug joint venture (PBL Solutions Ltd v AFT Pharmaceuticals Ltd [2023] NZHC 2351).
  • Court-appointed counsel for the unsecured creditors in two applications for directions by the liquidators of a cryptocurrency exchange raising novel issues of property, trust, and insolvency law in relation to cryptocurrencies Ruscoe v Cryptopia Limited (in liquidation) [2020] NZHC 728.


Below is a short selection of recent and notable cases.  For more detailed information about my experience in a specific area please contact me.

  • Counsel for one of the defendant banks in an ongoing class action alleging breaches of the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003 (Simons & Ors v ANZ Bank & Anor [2022] NZHC 1836).
  • Counsel for the Financial Markets Authority in an application for asset preservation (freezing) orders and appointment of receivers and managers over a property development group and its ultimate owners (Financial Markets Authority v Du Val Capital Partners Ltd [2024] NZHC 4011).  
  • Counsel for an iwi applicant in an appeal to the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court under the Marine and Coastal Area Act 2011.  This was the first appeal to both the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court under the Act and raised novel issues regarding recognition of customary rights in the marine and coastal area (Whakatōhea Kotahitanga Waka (Edwards) & Ors v Te Kāhui & Ors [2024] NZSC 164)
  • Counsel for the plaintiff in a contractual dispute arising from an investment in a blockchain technology company.  Successfully opposed strike out and summary judgment applications made on the basis of a settlement of separate Singapore proceedings.  Trial heard in late 2024, judgment pending (MB Technology Ltd v Orbis Blockchain Technologies Ltd [2022] NZHC 1257, Ecomi Technology Pte Ltd v MB Technology Ltd [2024] NZCA 47).
  • Counsel for the plaintiff in a successful claim for breach of fiduciary duty against the NZX-listed majority shareholder of an orphan drug joint venture (PBL Solutions Ltd v AFT Pharmaceuticals Ltd [2023] NZHC 2351).
  • Court-appointed counsel for the unsecured creditors in two applications for directions by the liquidators of a cryptocurrency exchange raising novel issues of property, trust, and insolvency law in relation to cryptocurrencies Ruscoe v Cryptopia Limited (in liquidation) [2020] NZHC 728.

Publications and Seminars
  • Author of Laws of New Zealand Securities Law, Reissue 2

Professional Activities


BA, LLB (Hons), MPhil (Oxon)

BCL (Oxon)

Year Admitted: 1995

Barrister Sole: 2011

Silk: 2017

Cooper KC
+64 21 632 260
+64 9 354 1408
Shortland Chambers